Chapter 17 Risk Scoring for UC UAS activity

This Risk Score has been developed to gauge the level of risk and and recommend requirements to enable the proposed UAS activity. These are recommendations and guidelines, rather than strict requirements - please utilize your best judgment.

Instructions: Select the Risk Score that best matches the proposed. Significant variation of descriptions may indicate further information or modification to activity is required.

Risk Level 1 - Minor Risk

Description: Generally safe activity. UAS activity in an access controlled area with no airspace issues or hazards. RPIC has sufficient experience and the UAS is in working condition.

Example: Student researcher conducting UAS flights for environmental research in a UC NRS site in an area with no known hazards or environmental impacts.

RPIC Experience: RPIC has sufficient experience and is comfortable with the UAS. Specialized training or significant experience is not required.

Unmanned Aircraft System: Any commercial or well-tested UAS in working condition.

Location: Any location that is relatively secured by either access control or obscurity.

Hazards: Few if any visual obstructions. Acceptable level of risk to objects on the ground. No significant fire risks. No environmental impacts.

Airspace: Class G airspace with minimal if any airspace traffic.

Recommend Safety Requirements: No additional requirements.

Risk Level 2 - Low Risk

Description: Some risks to location or property, but significant damage is remote or unlikely. In general, most flight activity would be Risk Level 2 unless the conditions for Risk Level 1 are met.

Example: New student learning to operate a UAS or flight operations in areas that are not completely access controlled.

RPIC Experience: RPIC has sufficient experience and is comfortable with the UAS. Specialized training or significant experience is not required.

Unmanned Aircraft System: Any commercial or well-tested UAS in working condition.

Location: Any location that is relatively secured by either access control or obscurity.

Hazards: Few if any visual obstructions. Acceptable level of risk to objects on the ground. No significant fire risks. No environmental impacts.

Airspace: Class G airspace with minimal if any airspace traffic.

Recommend Safety Requirements: No additional requirements.

Risk Level 3 - Escalated Risk

Description: Some risks to non-participants or other hazards, with some possibility of significant damage.

Example: On-campus UAS activity by campus media teams in somewhat segregated locations. Research activity near major highways or adjacent to suburban areas.

RPIC Experience: RPIC must have documented experience to allow any UAS activity in Risk Level 3 or higher.

Unmanned Aircraft System: Any commercial or well-tested UAS in working condition.

Location: May be in an unsecured location in the occasional proximity of non-participants.

Hazards: May include some ground hazards or visual obstructions.

Airspace: Class G airspace or in controlled airspace as permitted under FAA Facility Maps.

Recommend Safety Requirements: Visual observers are generally required for Risk Level 3 and above. May require the use of high-visibility reflective vests and/or communication protocols. May require a crowd safety plan.

Risk Level 4 - Moderate Risk

Description: Poses risks to others and sensitive property. Significant hazards with potentially catastrophic results, including privacy or legal issues.

Example: UAS activity in dense urban locations or areas of significant aviation traffic. Filming of crowds or major events in close proximity to non-participants.

RPIC Experience: RPIC must have significant documented experience. May require additional or specialized training or experience.

Unmanned Aircraft System: Any commercial or well-tested UAS in working condition.

Location: May be in areas with operational areas in close proximity to non-participants.

Hazards: May have numerous obstructions or ground hazards.

Airspace: May require special airspace authorizations or waivers. Flight altitudes in excess of allowable flight altitudes as listed under FAA Facility Maps.

Recommend Safety Requirements: Visual observers and additional ground support crew may be necessary. Documented safety plans should be comprehensive to address a multitude of potential scenarios.

Risk Level 5 - High Risk

Description: Significant risks are involved and may require special exemptions and authorizations for safety issues from the FAA or other regulatory agencies.

Example: Flight operations over people or in military airspace.

RPIC Experience: RPIC has significant documented experience and meets any extra requirements.

Unmanned Aircraft System: May require additional safety features such as parachutes or transponders to meet exemption or authorization requirements.

Location: Any location.

Hazards: May have significant hazards.

Airspace: May include airspace with special restrictions.

Recommend Safety Requirements: Significant safety planning will be necessary.