Chapter 13 Campus Drone Groups
As campuses grow into their UAS usage, it may be advisable to develop and institute ‘drone’ groups. Community involvement is an effective means to disseminate knowledge and establish a safety program. Below are some examples of groups - there are no requirements or restrictions for the formation of any of these groups or of any of the example tasks.
13.1 UAS Campus Policy or Procedure Group
The Policy allows for a University Location to appoint a Designated Local Authority. As a University Location may see fit and in accordance to their University Location policy, the University Location may organize a working group or committee to develop University Location specific policy or procedures. See Chapter 2 for further information regarding University Location jurisdiction and authority.
Example Tasks
- Develop or advise location specific policy or procedure.
- Review efficiency and compliance of campus UAS activity.
- Review high risk or other significant unique UAS activity.
- Develop streamlined procedures for low-risk UAS activity.
- Standards regarding privacy.
13.2 UAS Campus Safety Group
Another valuable group is a University Location is a safety group. In contrast to a Policy or Procedure group, a safety group would provide safety training and assist in UAS activity development and planning.
Example Tasks
- Provide UAS training to the campus.
- Develop Standard Operating Procedures for common UAS activity.
- Promote UAS safety to the campus.
- Identify and manage safe locations for UAS activity.
13.3 UAS Campus Service or Advocacy Group
Many UC students and researchers have significant experience in the use and operation of UAS. It would be advantageous to leverage this this knowledge and experience by providing opportunities for UAS users to interact on a regular basis with the campus. This may come in the form of a service center or other advocacy group.
Example Tasks
- Provide UAS activity as a service.
- Encourage innovative UAS activity.
- Organize or support UAS activity by student clubs.
- Hold UAS-related events to provide networking and community building.