Chapter 9 UAS Insurance
9.1 Liability Coverage
The University of Calfironia has purchased an Unmanned Aircraft Liability Policy. This policy has a total of $5 Mil limit including Personal Injury.
Coverage is automatic for UAS activity that meet the following criteria:
- Flight operations are conducted on behalf and sanctioned by the University of California.
- Aircraft weight under 55 lbs (at time of takeoff)
- Flight operations are within VLOS
- Flight operations are below 400 ft above ground level.
- Flight operations must be conducted within the United States.
Any UAS activity that do not meet the above criteria or operate outside the above criteria must be reported to and approved by the insurance underwriter in order to be covered.
Any UAS activity that is not approved by a Designated Local Authority or Systemwide Designated UAS Authority is not covered by this liability insurance coverage.
9.1.1 Personally Owned Unmanned Aircraft Used for University Business
The University of California has extended their UAS liability policy to enable coverage of UAS owned by UC students, staff or faculty used for University Business, including research. Coverage in contingent on compliance with the policy and procedures on UAS usage. This coverage is not intended to cover student organizations or 3rd Party vendors or contractors.
9.1.2 Coverage for Campus Police
The University of California has extended their UAS liability policy to enable coverage of UAS by Campus Police. All coverage is contingent on the UAS activity being sanctioned by the UC.
Any UAS activity that is not approved by a Designated Local Authority or Systemwide Designated UAS Authority is not covered by this liability insurance.
9.2 Physical Damage Coverage
Physical damage to a UAS is covered under a blanket policy issued by the University’s captive insurance company, Fiat Lux Risk and Insurance Company
- Coverage applies in flight only when an approved flight plan is filed in accordance with UC UAS Policy, including the UC Drone web app or other means of compliance.
- Coverage is limited to $25,000 for Unmanned Aircrafts
- Payload is covered separately and not included within this limit
- $1,000 deductible applies to each and every loss (including payload)
- Coverage additionally applies in the event of theft, vandalism, fire and other perils in accordance to the UC Property Insurance Program.
- In the event of a loss, please report to campus risk management.
This physical damage coverage does not extend to personally owned-UAS used for University Business. Only UAS owned by the University of California are covered.
9.2.1 Filing a Claim
To file a claim, contact your campus Risk Manager. Please prepare the following:
- Copy of the post-flight report (through UC Drones or other means of compliance)
- Photographs of damaged equipment
- Copy of original purchase invoice
- Copy of invoice to ship the equipment back the manufacturer
- Copy of repair invoice, if repairable
- Copy of replacement quote, if not repairable
Ensure your coverage
- Attach a copy of your UAS invoice to your UAS registration in UC Drones
- Make sure you file your Flight Requests
- For recurrent or on-going activity, create a Project application but don’t forget to add flights before you head out.
- After an incident, make sure you take pictures of the damage and file a post-flight report. Add as much details as possible.
9.3 3rd Party Insurance Minimum
All 3rd Party UAS activity, including on behalf of the University or other users of campus space, must have liability insurance with a preferred limit of $5 Mil. In addition to the limit that is provided by the RPIC, a certificate of insurance along with a copy of the endorsement listing the following insurance clauses should be issued prior to commencement of services:
- Name The University and its directors, officers, employees, servants and agents (collectively, the “Indemnified Parties” and individually, the “Indemnified Party”) as additional insureds, as their respective interests may appear
- The RPIC’s insurance shall be primary without any right of contribution from any other insurance available to The University
- Include a cross liability or severability of interests among Indemnified Parties, providing that the insurance shall operate in all respects as if a separate policy had been issued covering each party insured
- Include a waiver of subrogation in favor of the Indemnified Parties.
- The certificate of insurance shall also provide that, in the event of a cancellation or material restrictive change of the policy which would adversely affect the interest of the Indemnified Parties, the insurers agree to provide 30 days prior written notice to The University.