Chapter 4 Unmanned Aircraft Systems

  • Unless otherwise specified, there are no make and model restrictions for the operations of UAS

  • All UAS must be operated and maintained in accordance with the recent revision of the UAS Manufacturer’s Manual.

  • The term `Manufacturer’s Manual’ as used in this Manual includes all manuals and publications provided by the relevant UAS manufacturer including, but not limited to:

    • User Manuals
    • Instruction Manuals
    • Training Manuals
    • Operations Manuals
    • Pilot Operating Handbooks
    • Component Maintenance Manuals
    • Service or Safety Bulletins
    • Service Information Letters

4.1 Registration of UAS

Within the US, all UA must be registered under the regulations specified by 14 CFR 47 or 14 CFR 48, depending on the weight of the aircraft, location of the aircraft’s operation or primary purpose of the aircraft. Aircraft flown exclusively outside the US or within military airspace may be subject to other registration requirements. In addition, before conducting operations, the radio frequency spectrum used for operation and control of the UAS must comply with the FCC or other appropriate government oversight agency requirements.

4.1.1 Registration of UC-owned UAS

The Regents are the legal owners of all UC property. Similarly to BFB-BUS-19: Registration and Licensing of University-Owned Vehicles, all UC-owned UA must be registered to the “Regents of the University of California” to meet compliance obligations under 14 CFR 47 or 14 CFR 48 (See Figure 4.1)

Example UAS Registration Certificate

Figure 4.1: Example UAS Registration Certificate

All UAS that weigh between 0.55 lbs and 55 lbs (under 14 CFR 48) must be registered online at

UAS that weigh more than 55 lbs or are required to have UAS registration that is valid internationally must be registered under 14 CFR 47 and must be done through mail with an Original Aircraft Registration Form, AC Form 8050-1.

This SOPA does not cover the use of UAS under the Limited Exception for Recreational Use.

4.2 Record Keeping Policy Requirements

Records of UC-owned UAS registration must be provided to the Designated Local Authority or the Systemwide Designated UAS Authority. Registration of all unmanned aircraft used for University Business must be provided to the Designated Local Authority or the Systemwide Designated UAS Authority. UC Drones may be used to submit records electronically and other electronic submission processes may be available in the future. A University Location may additionally implement a centralized registration process using a single FAA online account.