Chapter 11 Accident Response

All UAS incidents and accidents must be reported. For minor incidents, this may be done through the normal UAS post-flight reporting system through UC Drones.

For all incidents that result in injury, or property damage of any amount, the Campus Designated Local Authority or the Systemwide Designated UAS Authority must be contacted immediately.

11.1 Emergency Contact Information

The emergency contact information for the Systemwide Designated UAS Authority and the Campus Designated Local Authority must be included on the Emergency Procedure Plan and included in the UAS Mission Binder.

Systemwide Designated UAS Authority

Dr. Brandon Stark
Director, UC Center of Excellence on UAS Safety
(209) 201-2051

Designated Local Authority

See Campus Points of Contact for the contact information for each of the UC campuses.

11.2 Document an accident

As soon as it is safe to,

  • Write down a narrative about the incident. Describe what you remember and with as much detail as possible.

    • Take note of anything out of the ordinary
    • Include any information that might be relevant for understanding how the incident occured
  • Preserve the scene digitally by taking photos and videos

No one is punished or penalized for reporting an incident or accident. Retribution is not the purpose of documentation. All documentation collected will be used to help improve future practices.