
The UC Center of Excellence on Unmanned Aircraft System Safety has developed this portal of resources for all users of Unmanned Aircraft Systems within the University of California.
UC Drone Web App
For submitting UC flight requests and reports, please visit http://ehs.ucop.edu/drones

Connect with Us
Send us an email at UASsafety@ucmerced.edu if you’d like to join our UC Drone email listserv
Want to schedule an online appointment to chat? Use our Booking link
- Find a time that works for you and the system will schedule a MS Teams meeting for us.
Quick Links
New User Guide - New to Drones? New to flying for Research? Start here for an overview of the UC policy and procedures.
Unmanned Aircraft System (Drone) Policy - The UC Presidential Policy on the use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems within the University of California.
Drone Map of California - Map of UC properties, County/City regulations, and public lands.
NASA ASRS - NASA UAS Safety Reporting